2017年4月4日 星期二

不論舞蹈的風潮如何演變, 當今的好舞者,猶當善用前人留下的智慧:





When development occurs, there will always be good things and bad things about the new form compared to the original. The priorities of today’s competitors are different from those of the past. Now, qualities such as progression, speed, dynamics and volume take centre-stage. However, I would like to think that the best contemporary dancers also apply the techniques and principles that were considered to be the priorities by our predecessors. These include:
* Posture of elegance and sophistication
* Beauty of form and line
* Smoothness in movement
* Articulate use of feet and ankles
* Sensitivity/Communication with partner
* Floorcraft
* Expression of the music and character of the dance

